Astrology and Human Design

Many years ago, very much at the beginning of my career with professional Human Design, I was invited to do a little workshop where I would underline both the similarities and the differences between Astrology and the Human Design System.



Many years ago, very much at the beginning of my career with professional Human Design, I was invited to do a little workshop where I would underline both the similarities and the differences between Astrology and the Human Design System.

One of the most common arguments of disbelievers in Astrology is when they state the question of why can people of the same zodiacal sign show such different characteristics in the behavior that they display in daily life, which is a question that Human Design answers brilliantly. In four consecutive evenings, I took on the job of describing the obvious correlations between what I knew to be true about human beings and myself through the lens of zodiacal signs in Astrology and the astonishing impact that it had on me to look at those same themes from the mechanical lens that Human Design provides.

Listen to this deconstruction of all the homogenized and abstract knowledge that exists about zodiacal signs and the way Alokanand Diaz places it in the organic context of the structure provided by the Rave Mandala and the Rave Body Graph, and you will understand the blessings that it meant for him in going from working with a system where everything would rely on his subjective interpretation, to working with one in which his interpretation, or anybody else’s for that matter, was simply unnecessary, because the human knowledge that is transmitted is based on logic and comes alive as one allows the Rave Body Graph to simply speak for itself.