Rave Sociology and the Rave I Ching

Probably the most comprehensive original course that was ever taught by Alokanand Diaz to a small group of Analysts and advanced students of Human Design in his own home in the summer of 2017.



Probably the most comprehensive original course that was ever taught by Alokanand Diaz to a small group of Analysts and advanced students of Human Design in his own home in the summer of 2017.
Departing from Ra’s original claim that the entire Rave I-Ching is nothing but a catalogue of homogenized roles that feeds the Not-Self dynamics of the world as we know it, Alok takes the students on a Journey in which whatever veils of Illusion were still trapping their consciousness simply dissolve.
Through his deep understanding of the sociological dynamics that are driven by the two transauric entities that we call Penta and WA, he reveals to the listeners how all the human cognitive potential that is born with every new life becomes homogenized and serves as sheer power base to the institutionalized power structures that regulate life in what humans call civilization, which Alok addresses as the human ‘hive’.

*Article: Despite the number of times that Ra Uru Hu mentioned that the Rave I-Ching is a catalogue of homogenized roles of the Not-Self – very particularly the text that references its 384 lines – it is clear that this is something that has NOT been completely assimilated by anyone, not even by those that have studied the Human Design System in depth. What this means is that in reality, the Rave I-Ching is a catalogue of human roles that through homogenized conditionings are diminished to simple and purposeless characters in the movie, when the individuals that embody their potential fail to express them beyond the mundane constraints of ‘normality’.

Nobody ignores that the world of the Not-Self is nothing more than an absurdly homogenized movie of ‘good people’ and ‘bad people’, of ‘winners and losers’, of ‘men and women’… which has been running of the screen since immemorial times and is reproduced by each new generation of human beings that are born to put their shoulder to the great wheel of evolution of the forms of life, amongst which we humans tend to identify with a starring role that most of the time is inspired in nothing more than vanity.

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Downloadable, Selfstudy




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