The 64 Role Models

Every 6th Line in the Rave I-Ching reveals essential keys about the transition that we are going through as a species, and the best way to grasp those keys is to see them all in continuity as they move thematically in a sequence along the upper floor through all the 64 variations that operate through the different streams and circuits that make up the Rave Body Graph.



It is since a long time that I wanted to work with the Rave I-Ching and was never really clear about the particular take that I wanted to have on it. It seemed to me like one could stay immersed in it for years, and that was something I always wanted to avoid.

One of the most inspiring ways for me to envision what the machinery of the 384 Lines looks like, as they establish the whole diversity of human archetypes on the surface of the Rave Body Graph, is to look at the whole flow of information that moves through it as something that happens simultaneously through six different floors or levels, where obviously the most interesting of all is the floor of the sixth lines, because the sixth line carries all the keys to the significance of what it means to live life as a nine-centered human being.

Every 6th Line in the Rave I-Ching reveals essential keys about the transition that we are going through as a species, and the best way to grasp those keys is to see them all in continuity as they move thematically in a sequence along the upper floor through all the 64 variations that operate through the different streams and circuits that make up the Rave Body Graph.

This self-study course is not just for those who might be carriers of the 6th line archetype in their Profile, but it is also open and very suiting to any student of Human Design that wants to deepen their understanding of both circuitry and lines. It was originally taught in the IHDS by Alokanand Diaz in 2010.

There are eleven 90 min lessons in this self-study program.

Course Index:
Class # 01 – The Individual Role Models
Class # 02 – The Individual Role Models
Class # 03 – The Individual Role Models
Class # 04 – The Abstract Role Models