The level of differentiation that you get to experience is proportional to the dedication with which YOU experiment empirically with the possibility of surrendering to the uniqueness of your design.
Human Design is probably not the first body of knowledge that is rooted in ‘loving oneself’, but it surely is the first one that goes way beyond representing a more or less challenging philosophy, because it offers an ‘instruction manual’ that describes a specific methodology for each single individual.
Not in vane do we call it the Science of Differentiation.
The level of differentiation that you get to experience is proportional to the dedication with which each individual experiments empirically with the possibility of surrendering to their unique design.
The Science of Differentiation is the expression of the universal principles of form in human beings.
Hence all radical transformation can only start with the body itself, and more specifically with the brain.
The most efficient way of transforming the human brain without risking to damage it is through the digestive system, which is what sustains the cerebral capacity to differentiate the form through the maintenance of a unique metabolism.
In Human Design, the alignment of the digestive system with the brain is the result of following a differentiated formula that is called PHS (Primary Health System) when it comes to the ingestion of food.
In addition to the impact of strategy and inner authority, this formula has the power to radically transform the perception that you have of your own individual Maya, focusing your attention on what is happening within your aura at any given moment rather than identifying with the virtual idea of yourself that your Not-Self mind is projecting in time.
Out of this change in our perception a completely new relationship emerges with the physical environment and with the social reality of which you become a part. The environment is to the external of your form what the brain is to its internal; a focus of constant nutrition that brings you all kinds of stimulus.
To know yourself is not an end in itself, but only the basis of your unique way of opening up to others through a clear discernment about who has a role to play in your life and who is simply passing by.
The establishment of an aware relationship with your environment is the foundation of your perception of movement as a passenger inside your vehicle.
Out of the physical alignment with your differentiated environment emerges the perspective that is going to nourish the awareness of your personality.
It is what makes the difference between ‘Seeing’ things for what they really are as a passenger of your form and ‘looking’ for all the seemingly missing things that characterizes any Not-Self mind worth its name.
The final flowering of this transformation process culminates in the differentiated expression of your conceptual reality, what in Human Design we call outer authority, which is nothing but the creative expression of your own and differentiated ‘measuring scales’.
This ‘measuring rod’ expresses the planetary imprinting that determines the unique way in which your personality resonates to the intellectual orientation of the human beings around you.