
Session 6
WA: The Outlet for Homogeneized Emotionality
While the Penta castrates us from the wilderness of our individual spirit, the WA takes advantage of its domesticated condition, when we get old enough to go to school and we start being increasingly ready to become a productive member of our civilization. This is when we start becoming sensitive to what is known as ‘public opinion’, which tells us what we are always supposed to know, which is on what side of the quarrels we want to find ourselves on when the shit hits the fan.
You see, without the WA parents would never know in the name of what to impose limitations, or not, on the behaviour of their beloved and potentially deeply spoiled children, as they themselves are normally not very aware and at ease with their own limitations.
Because nobody really knows how to accept, integrate and transcend their individual limitations, when we unite through the WA we truly believe to be the champions of the world and that the only limitations that exist have fallen on the other side; that of the losers.
In this spirit of union amongst ‘Us’ against ‘Them’ human beings are ready to act as barbarians in the name of anything that the group made them to believe is ‘holy’.