Session 12
Fractal Awareness: Empowering Individual Purpose in Human Interactions
Unfortunately, most human relationships end up being a bond that chains two individual spirits to interact with each other through the addictiveness of their homogenized shadow. Through the shadow, we can still see ourselves in the other, but we do not like what we see, because of the distortion with which the angry, frustrated, resented and disappointed resistances of the other mirrors us back as just another little emotional monster. No choice. Such is the distortion of the spirit that toxic love brings into human relationships.
Our true role and our original nature never get a real chance to flourish in this kind of toxic bonds, which is also a limitation to our potential to develop our unique outer authority. This is why deconditioning is so essential, because only after one has disarmed the not-self strategies of its conditioned personality, layer after layer throughout those first 7 years, is one truly ready to embrace the theme of the incarnation cross, which brings a truly new level in evaluating the importance of having certain people in your life.
People who resonate to you through the theme of your incarnation cross are people that nurture your fractal connection to the totality, and, as I hope to be able to show you during this lecture, it is not a matter of whether they have this gate or that profile, but it is simply a matter of how naturally they resonate to you as a holistic being.
September 26th 2024 / 6PM Madrid Time / LIVE ON ZOOM

One monthly Live Conference + Q&A with Alok in Zoom / A monthly shared experience of feeling the Illusion come alive, through the emotional lens of a ‘Jack of all Trades’ that has learned to celebrate life in surrender to the exciting flow of changes
Alok is excited to offer a monthly live lecture that will last approximately between 90 minutes and two hours. During the lecture, he will discuss various topics that serve as a cornerstone for measuring our level of alignment or distortion with the specific theme of the lecture. After each lecture and a few minutes break, Alok will personally respond to the comments and questions from the Club members.
You meet your design, you get your individual analysis, and then what? Most people nowadays start seeking information in the internet to broaden their understanding, and too easily fall prey to an endless list of ‘HD experts’ that, confusing information with awareness, feed their minds towards further homogenization, this time in the very name of Human Design.
Yes, life is illusion, but if the illusion wasn’t mechanical there would be no potential for wisdom to redeem us from the inherent ignorance with which we are all born, and there would be no signposts that could be of value to communicate about, because nothing would ever make any difference in a purely conceptual and imaginary world.
These lectures aim to inspire those that have met Human Design in their lives to recognize how predictable we all are when our life is driven by our rational mind, and how extraordinarily unique we become when we know how to live as ourselves on the mundane plane.